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19th February 2025 


Reiki Healing.


When you come to see me I will ask you about your reasons for seeking healing.

The treatment will take place in a warm relaxed atmosphere and will consist of lying fully clothed on a table (or seated if you prefer). I will give healing working from head to toe. I will also be guided by my intuition to lay hands for longer on various parts of the body, where I feel the healing energy is needed.

Reiki can be used to relieve physical ailments and pain as well as stress, insomnia, anxiety and other problems.

Healing can be given without touch if you prefer.



Each chakra is associated with a specific period of childhood, from birth into young adulthood, and each chakra is associated with a specific sound. When out of balance due to past trauma it can result in associated health conditions.
This form of healing comprises seven sessions, and involves clearing childhood trauma so that you can finally leave the past in the past and begin to heal. The sounding helps to cleanse the Chakra and raise its vibration. When you do this you can rebalance and focus on the now and fulfilling your dreams.



This therapy is not as drastic as it sounds.
If you are having difficulties in a relationship this session will help you to cut your psychological or negative emotional ties with a loved one or a challenging person in your life.

This does not mean that the person will be cut out of your life, just that the emotional ties will be freed and give you both a chance to move forward in a more healthy way.


FEES 2024

£70 per session - one hour for Reiki and up to one and half hours for the inner child chakra healing, £55 per remote Reiki session. Concessions available

Therapies Offered. Candle